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Privacy Policy

Chattanooga Golf & Country Club is committed to protecting your privacy as a user and/or member. We respect your privacy and have implemented policies to protect all information that you provide to us. This policy may be updated and/or changed periodically. So please review this policy, which applies to our website and any applications we create to access our website, in order to be aware of the most up-to-date information and procedures.

As a user, you may be asked to provide information to be granted access to secured sites. Information that could be requested includes data such as your name, postal address, email address, telephone numbers, other contact information, title, username and password. Our website, however, is accessible without providing this information, but such information may be needed to access certain pages within the website. Pages that are secured require entry of members’ usernames and passwords to gain access.

Personal information is also obtained to design the website content to suit the specific needs of the users. This information may be obtained to keep track of the domains that are most frequently visited to create a profile that will serve our users and members best. Information may also be used to contact members electronically. You may change your user information by updating your user profile.

Chattanooga Golf & Country Club does not sell, trade or transfer any user information to third parties. Your information may be used for direct mailing or emailing, newsletters, club information/notifications. You may agree to provide your personal information to third parties that provide content for club offerings, in which case you are then subject to their company privacy policies.

Accuracy of your information is important. Please contact us if your contact information is not accurate so that we may correct immediately.

Cookies are transferred to a user’s hard drive to keep records of visits to the website. The cookies recognize your username and password and record the pages within our website that you view. This assists us in providing the best information and improvements to each individual page. You may turn off cookies; however, access may be denied to secured areas of the website if you do so. We also may use Flash Cookies and Web Beacons. Flash Cookies are local stored objects that collect and store information about your preferences and navigation to, from and on our website. Flash Cookies are not managed by the same browser settings as are used for browser cookies. Web Beacons are small electronic files that permit us, for example, to count users who have visited particular pages or to assess the popularity of certain website content.

Chattanooga Golf & Country Club may provide external links to third party websites. Chattanooga Golf & Country Club is not responsible for the privacy practices of the external company websites. You may utilize the links at your discretion.

Please contact us with any questions with respect to this privacy policy.

1511 Riverview Road
Chattanooga, TN 37405